
Unnatural 20 Art

Created by Unnatural 20 Art

A collection of handmade nerd-culture art objects.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 3 years ago – Fri, Dec 04, 2020 at 03:44:50 PM

Seriously, thank you so much! We can't believe how much love and support y'all have given this project. Your support means that we, as a pair of self employed artists, can make a living building beautiful pieces for you all to enjoy. Every one of these mimics and dice that we send out will be made by our hands, and will be made with love, because you all believed in this project. THANK YOU!

We're taking a moment to compile everything, getting our ducks in a row, and (frankly) celebrating! We'll be using Backerkit to send out surveys and get all of your info and preferences, so there's a bit of setup we need to do with that. Expect to see something in your inbox within a week or so. For now, relax, take a look at some of the work in progress shots on our social media (@unnatural20art on instagram and Facebook), and pat yourself on the back for helping fund this thing! 


Dani and Karl

Only 3 days left in the campaign (and some new pictures!)
over 3 years ago – Wed, Dec 02, 2020 at 08:04:15 AM

Thanks to everyone who's supported the project so far, it has really taken off and we're so thrilled that everyone likes it so much! With only 3 days left, we'd love if you're able to share with your friends and followers about the project.

Some exciting updates: We have finished samples of the new color schemes, as well as a peek at the unlocked new dice inclusion: the Cthulhu Skull! These options will be available as an alternative to the normal mimic box paint job (and you can make your selection when we send out the post-kickstarter survey). 

New stretch goals reached: The Poison mimic and the Chonk D20
over 3 years ago – Sat, Nov 14, 2020 at 11:17:07 PM

We've reached some new stretch goals! The first is an alternate color scheme for your mimic box: The Poison Mimic. This will be an option on the survey at the end of the Kickstarter, allowing you to pick which color scheme you want your box to be painted in. The second unlock is the Chonk D20: a much larger (40mm!) version of our Monster D20. This will use a similarly scaled up inclusion, making it twice as monstrous! You can add on a Chonk D20 to your pledge as you would any other add on item, or upgrade an existing dice pledge by adding $15. 

Keep an eye out for prototypes of both coming soon. Thank you all for your support for this project! 

Stretch goals announced!
over 3 years ago – Mon, Nov 09, 2020 at 01:36:06 PM

First off, thank you so much to everyone who's supported us so far! We couldn't be more thrilled with how this project has progressed, and it's all thanks to you. 

To say thanks, we've announced some stretch goals! (One of which is very close to unlocking). These include alternate color schemes for your mimic box (which can be applied to any previously pledged for box) as well as some new items that can be pledged for! 

Take a look at the new offerings on the main Kickstarter page, and let us know if there's anything you'd like to see from us. 

Love you all, and thanks for your support! 

100% Funded! Thank you!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Nov 07, 2020 at 05:27:13 PM

Thank you all so much for helping get this project funded over the weekend! We will be discussing stretch goals soon and get some put on the page. If you have any ideas on what you'd like to see, leave them in the comments and we'll take them into consideration. Y'all are the best!